According to The Washington Post, 4.2 million people quit their jobs in October 2021. 'The Great Resignation' is here. People are no longer prepared to accept excessive working hours, broken promises and working for nothing more than their companies' profits and a pay check at the end of each month. Instead, they're becoming aware that the internet is making it easier to be an entrepreneur, ...
Imagine this scenario. Six months ago, you had an idea. It was a brilliant idea. While out walking your dog, doing the housework or enjoying a shower, you had a moment of inspiration. In this moment, you came up with the title and concept for a new book, or an online course, or an invention with the potential to make you a fortune, or a new crypto currency that would empower some of the poor...
The self-help industry sometimes gets a bad rap. Rightly or wrongly, it can be viewed as exploitative and unscientific. You might have had your own experience of paying hundreds, or possibly even, thousands of dollars for a course that promised the world yet delivered very little. Yet, despite the downside, I still love self-help for its optimism, idealism and redemptive promise. More than...
Positivity is great. You need to remain optimistic and upbeat to achieve your goals. But, how far does this extend? Are you supposed to ignore the fact your entrepreneurial, artistic or coaching journey can, sometimes, feel impossible and pretend everything is ok? No. It would be naive to think you'll ride a wave of inspiration to the life of your dreams. Instead, what awaits, are yea...
I've been keeping a journal since September 2002. I don't write in it every day and its pages lack the titillation and gossip associated with some diaries. However, over the years, it's been a vital companion as I've transformed myself from lonely, directionless, psychosomatic illness suffering young man to confident, driven and dream achieving adult. My journal is handwritten and spread acr...
Let me take you back to 1999. I'm in my first year at University, many miles from home and I don't know a soul. I want to make friends. Furthermore, I'm hopeful I might meet my first serious girlfriend. However, something inside me is changing. I'm starting to grow resentful of my peer group and questioning the university experience. Why is it we can only socialise and be open when alc...
CHAPTER 5: CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE Back in 1903, James Allen’s book As A Man Thinketh was released. The title is an abbreviation of a bible verse from the book of proverbs. In its entirety, it reads, “as a man thinketh in his heart, so he is.” To our modern world, this is a curious promise. 21st century life is about the material. We value what we can see, touch and, most o...
(by Andy Beck) How many times have you heard that saying? And how strongly do you resonate with it? Not everyone does. And nor did I, for a long time. 30 Years of Normal Until a few years ago, I knew intellectually what "you only live once" meant. But I didn't feel it. This was probably due to my very "normal" upbringing and early adulthood. Preschool, primary school, grammar school, univer...
Although the Coronavirus outbreak and, to a lesser degree, The Black Lives Matter protests, have dominated the news this year, the main story has gone ignored. The health of our planet is spiralling out of control. Temperatures are rising, ice caps are melting, methane stores are starting to be released, oceans are becoming acidified and forests are being chopped down at an alarming rate. If th...
Are you pissed off with life? Do you feel disillusioned with the world? If so, you are not alone. According to the World Health Organisation, close to 800,000 people die every year from suicide. (To put this into perspective, as of writing, 1,000,800 have died from Covid-19 and this has brought the world to a halt). Again, according to the World Health Organisation, more than 264 mill...