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You will soon receive some emails confirming your order and outlining the process of accessing your purchase. One of these emails will give you the necessary information on how to log into the site. From here, you can access your purchase under the “My Account” option and then the “Files” tab. You will be pleased to know that, through your account, this purchase will be available to you at any time.

While you’re there, why not check out the other benefits you can enjoy. Just click on the monthly newsletter tab to subscribe to the Screw the System Newsletter. Delivered at the beginning of each month, it gives you access to exclusive content on how to escape the system and create the life you want.

You can also download, Screw the System: 50 Reality Changing Insights, absolutely FREE. This companion guide will give you all the key insights from the main book and acts as a great reference point as you undertake your journey. This can be accessed through the “Free Downloads” option from the members menu.

Finally, please feel free to contact Joe at any time (joe@screwthesystemnow.com) with any questions you might have. He’s always keen to hear about other peoples’ experiences and willing to help in any way he can.

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