The 4 Keys to Being Noticed in your Industry

by Joe Barnes


Pratical Tools & Tips


Date: Mar 5, 2018

I used to be a big WWF fan. Back in the early 90's, my favourites were The Ultimate Warrior and Bret 'The Hitman' Hart. Although I don't watch it anymore, I occasionally listen to podcasts where the old wrestlers talk about what it was like back in the day and share behind the scenes stories. Something I didn't expect to hear, though, was advice on how to get known/become successful in any in...

What to do if You’re Thinking About Giving Up on Your Dream

by Joe Barnes




Date: Feb 28, 2018

Yet another failure! As I checked the sign ups to my newsletter, my heart sank. I'd heard good things about Facebook Ads. Authorities I respected said they were a great way to gain exposure and increase your following. Of course, you had to pay, but I didn't mind as long as I saw a return.  That was the problem, though, there were no returns. Despite paying close to £500 on filming a video, e...

The 2 Paths to Financial Freedom

by Joe Barnes




Date: Oct 13, 2017

Earlier in the year, I was speaking to a friend who works at prestigious multinational bank. He's young (about 23), and passed through their graduate training programme to land a top job. The starting salary was an impressive amount in the high five figures.  He wasn't happy though. A typical working day sees him wake at around 5.30am and, sometimes, return home at 9pm. Occasionally, he's also...

Transform your Life with Fight Club Philosophy

by Joe Barnes


Mind Set


Date: Aug 14, 2017

Are you looking for a radical way to shake up your life? Are you bored with the seemingly meaningless way of life The System offers? Would you like your life to be one big adventure? If you answered yes to any, or all, of these questions then I have the solution. It comes in the form of a 1999 film that introduced a revolutionary new character with a dark, yet liberating, life philosophy. I...

How your Mind is being Controlled and What you need to do to Stop it

by Joe Barnes




Date: Mar 22, 2017

Did you know that you only have 5% conscious control over your daily actions and decisions? The other 95%, according to neuroscientists, is determined by your subconscious programming. This means that when you choose what to eat, perform in a presentation, compete in a contest, sleep at night and interact with loved ones, you have very little direct scope to influence the outcome. Instead, w...

How To Get The First 1000 Subscribers To Your Website

by Joe Barnes


Pratical Tools & Tips


Date: Feb 11, 2017

The 29th December 2016 will forever be a significant day. It was a Thursday, and every Thursday, I open Campaign Monitor (the email marketing company I use) and check how many new subscribers I get each week. I knew I was getting close. Two weeks prior, I had an article featured on Pick The Brain. This brought in the usual flow of 30 to 50 new subscribers and got me within 15 of hitting the m...

Don’t end up Sleeping in Bed with your Mommy

by Joe Barnes


Mind Set


Date: Nov 18, 2016

A couple of days ago, I read an article in the Sunday Times Magazine about depression (Entitled 'The Sad Lads'). It focused on 3 young men, all in their twenties who, inexplicably, started experiencing this condition. Their symptoms were debilitating. They lost relationships, couldn't leave the house, experienced suicidal thoughts and one, bizarrely (although I felt sorry for him), want...

The Insanity of Humanity

by Joe Barnes




Date: Oct 30, 2016

I'm currently watching 'Beyond The Flood'. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio and focuses on the devastation being caused by climate change. For today, 30th October, it's free on a ton of different devices and on YouTube. My advice is to watch it.It's shocking, heartbreaking and disgusting. I don't know what to think about humanity. It honestly leaves me with a feeling of revulsion that we knowingly co...

The 5 Ways The System keeps you Trapped (and what to do about it)

by Joe Barnes




Date: Sep 30, 2016

Do you have any idea what you are truly capable of? Can you grasp the awesomeness of the life you could be living RIGHT NOW?You, yes YOU, were born with the potential to be great and have all the resources needed to be happy, loved and wealthy. What, then, causes the vast majority of us to lose sight of the bigger picture? What causes us to lose belief in ourselves, suppress our calli...

1 Weird Hack that will Massively Increase your Motivation

by Joe Barnes


Mind Set


Date: Jun 10, 2016

Do you believe in time travel?I do!Not in a 'Back to the Future' sense of the word (although wouldn't that be cool), but I do believe in our ability to go back into our minds and memories and relive experiences from the past. Some of you will know that, when I'm not running this website and promoting my book, I work as a hypnotherapist. One of the techniques I trained in is called Time Lin...