Tag: Moneyball

21 Movies To Make You Rich, Achieve Your Dreams And Release Your Inner Maverick

by Joe Barnes




Date: Jul 30, 2024

21 Movies To Make You Rich, Achieve Your Dreams And Release Your Inner Maverick

Movies have saved my life!

Or, perhaps it would be accurate to say that movies have brought me back to life.

When I was at my lowest, feeling disillusioned with the world I was living in and seeing no prospects for living the exciting, meaningful life I wanted to live, I went to the cinema or popped some of the movies below in the DVD player, sat back and felt all my motivation and inspiration return. 

For me, being inspired by a movie is about connection

I feed off the energy of seeing inspiring, defiant, strong, courageous and dignified people stand up for what they believe is right, pursue their dreams and be unapologetically true to themselves. 

With that in mind, I’ve compiled a list of 21 movies which will help you do the same. 

For ease of use, I’ve split the 21 movies into 7 categories. I’ll write a little bit about each category and why it’s important, and then a sentence on the movie itself (with its IMDb rating). 

If you were hoping for romantic comedy or horror, I’m sorry to disappoint you. I do enjoy movies purely for entertainment but this is a list of films that will add something to your life – whether that’s knowledge, clarity, insights or courage. 

Make use of it. 



I don’t condone the actions taken by the characters in these films. Far from it. Some of them are downright despicable. However, I’d be a liar if I said there isn’t an allure to getting filthy rich and learning from the people who did.  

These movies are exciting, reveal the importance of taking risks and help you connect with the reality of being rich beyond your wildest dreams (although you may want to follow more legal means to becoming so).

1. The Wolf Of Wall Street (2013) 8.2

The story of Jordan Belfort, who reveals that the ability to sell can make you a multimillionaire, even if what you’re selling has no value. 

2. The Big Short (2015) 7.8

Witness how fortunes can be made by seeing the hidden opportunity in an industry clouded by status quo thinking.

3. Scarface (1983) 8.3

Discover the power of risk taking as Tony Montana uses his balls (courage) and word (integrity) to transform himself from Cuban asylum seeker to Miami kingpin. 



These movies are based on true stories of people who made it despite the odds. All of their dreams were “impossible” but they used grit, audacity and a vision that only they could see, to propel them to success. 

Watching these films will fill you with the belief that dreams do come true. Furthermore, they’ll reveal both the practical steps needed to be successful and the real-life obstacles you’ll face on your journey. 

4. The Walk (2015) 7.3

The story of Phillipe Petit – the man who tightrope walked between the Twin Towers in 1974 – reveals how only thinking of success (and not allowing your mind to contemplate failure or, in Petit’s case, death), develops mastery over fear.  

5. Joy (2015) 6.6

The story of Joy Mangano, the inventor of the Miracle Mop, reveals how self-reliance, and reconnecting with what inspired you as a child, can be a recipe for runaway success. 

6. The Pursuit Of Happyness (2006) 8.0 

The story of Chris Gardener, an intelligent man who, after many years of failing to realise his potential, strikes gold when he gives up everything (but his son) in an attempt to win a position at a prestigious trading company.


Edgy “Make Your Dreams Come True” Movies 

The darker side of making your dreams come true. What happens when personal ambition trumps all else in an obsessional quest for wealth, recognition and success?

The answer isn’t always pretty. However, these movies portray a raw and real account of the difficult decisions that sometimes have to be made. 

As with the “movies to make you filthy rich” category, I don’t condone all the actions these characters take. However, I understand what was driving them and joining them on their path to success is still an exciting ride. 

7. The Founder (2016) 7.2

The story of Ray Kroc – the man who took McDonald’s from the McDonald brothers and set it on the road to becoming the global corporation that it is today – reveals that success can come in your latter years if you remain hungry and are ruthless enough to seize your opportunity when it arises.

8. Whiplash (2014) 8.5 

A music student pushes himself to unhealthy lengths to master his craft and win the approval of his belligerent teacher, only succeeding at realising his dreams once he lets go of them. 

9. The Social Network (2010) 7.8

The Facebook origins story, where Mark Zuckerberg sacrifices everything, including his college degree at Harvard and close friendships, to succeed with his fledgling tech company. 


Fight The System Movies 

Why include this category? 

The answer is simple, education. These movies will open your eyes to the world we live in (and it’s not a pretty place). All of them are based on real events and all of them reveal the corruption of the system. 

Fortunately, though, brave individuals exist who are prepared to put everything on the line to challenge this corruption and do what’s right. 

These films will both remove and restore your faith in humanity. You’ll get an insight into the lengths the system will go to protect its power but also how brave individuals, or a group of them, can make a difference and create change.

10. Dark Waters (2019) 7.6 

A corporate defence attorney goes rogue, rocking the boat at both his prestigious law firm, and in the corporate world, by challenging the might of chemical giant, DuPont, after it knowingly poisons residents at a nearby factory in the name of profit. 

11. JFK (1991) 8.0

A district attorney refuses to accept the official verdict on the Kennedy assassination and risks his career, and life, to ensure justice isn’t forgotten by exposing the corruption that lies at the heart of the American political system.

12. Official Secrets (2019) 7.3  

A British intelligence specialist is faced with the unappealing prospect of committing treason to do what’s morally right by exposing the lies that led to the US and UK invasion of Iraq in 2003. 


Inspiring Mavericks Who Don’t Give A Fuck Movies 

These individuals will inspire you and entertain you in equal measures. Fearless in their approach to life, they don’t give a damn how many people tell them a thing can’t be done, or that they’re putting themselves at risk by challenging the status quo. 

Watching these mavericks defiantly face insurmountable challenges will fill you with the courage needed to stand up for yourself and your dreams. 

13. Dallas Buyers Club (2013) 7.9

Set in the mid-80s, Ron Woodruff, a hustler and electrician from Texas, refuses to be killed by the AIDS virus and, instead, starts helping other victims who have been failed by the pharmaceutical companies seeking to profit from their disease. 

14. Erin Brockovich (2000) 7.4

A feisty single mother refuses to be intimidated by a California power company who were knowingly polluting a city’s water supply, holding them to account for their actions despite zero legal training. 

15. Moneyball (2011) 7.6 

Billy Beane, coach of the Oakland A’s, takes a radical new approach to Baseball, challenging traditional notions of how to manage a team and succeeding despite a lack of resources. 


Movies That Will Blow Your Mind And Alter Your Perspective On Life 

1999 was an incredible year for film. The pending turn of the millennium must have caused script writers, directors and producers to think deeply about life and the direction humanity was heading.  

The following three movies will leave you feeling different, or changed, after watching them. Whether it’s through their allegorical power or the probing questions they ask about the way most people live their lives, they might cause you to rethink your understanding of life and fire you up to follow a more adventurous path.  

16. The Matrix (1999) 8.7 

Following the story of Neo, we learn how humanity has been duped into accepting a false reality, living as obedient slaves with only a tiny minority daring to ask the questions that could set them free. 

17. Fight Club (1999) 8.8

Don’t be fooled by the violence, this movie is about a vibrant and exciting life philosophy that will free you from the dull monotony of life in the system. 

18. American Beauty (1999) 8.3 

This movie exposes the façade of modern life, as a man experiencing a mid-life crisis cuts through the bullshit of married, and work, life in an attempt to experience something real. 


Triumph Of The Human Spirit Movies 

Our final category. These are the movies to pick you up when you feel all hope has gone. 

Watch people who have experienced terrible injustices, and faced impossible situations, overcome all the odds and right the wrongs that were done to them.  

Their stories will fill you with belief that, no matter how far down you fall, you can always get back up and succeed. 

19. The Hurricane (1999) 7.6

The story of boxer, Ruben Carter, who was falsely imprisoned for murder in the 60s and then spent 20 years trying to clear his name while the corrupt local police department, and judicial system, withheld evidence that could have set him free. 

20. The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 9.3

Watch main character, Andy Dufresne, remain productive and positive despite serving a life sentence for a crime he didn’t commit and, ultimately, outsmarting everyone to win his freedom. 

21. Men Of Honor (2000) 7.2

The true story of Carl Brashear, who faces every obstacle – racism, disability, lack of education – in his attempt to break down barriers and become the first black Master Diver in the US Navy. 

Over To You

Please add to the list in the comment section below. Hopefully this can be a useful resource to all people who draw strength and inspiration from movies. 

Related Content 

Top 10 Films To Change Your Life 

The 9 Steps To Achieving Your Dreams 


If you want to discover a passion you can make a living from and overcome the fears that are holding you back, check out my free course 30 Days to Escape The SystemClick here to get the course right now! (You’ll find the tips on developing belief and self-confidence fascinating!) 


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